Business Partner Compliance Guide

Business Partner Compliance Guide (WP Semantix Ltd) interfaces with business partners, customers, government agencies, shareholders and suppliers. These stakeholders, together with other organizations, take a close interest in what we do. A good reputation is not just important to, it is essential to our ongoing success.

We have a Policies of Conduct statement that seeks to offer guidance for the business dealings of our employees. 
We have adopted a similar set of standards for the ethical behavior of our Business Partners.

Our Business Partner Compliance Guide (“Policies”) applies to all Business Partners and their employees, agents, suppliers and others working on their behalf worldwide (our “Business Partners”). It sets our minimum standards for their behavior. Compliance with these Policies helps to sustain and enhance the good reputation of both our Business Partners and and contributes to long term value creation for’s mission and value for our stakeholders.

We expect all Business Partners to adopt these Policies or their own code if it meets the minimum standards set out below. We also expect them to participate in appropriate training regarding these minimum standards. In conclusion, it is vitally important that and its businesses are, and can be seen to be, responsible and ethical participants in the markets in which we operate.

Comply with laws

Business Partners are required, as a minimum standard, to comply with all the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.

Act with integrity in all business dealings acts with integrity at all times and we expect our Business Partners to behave in the same way. Business Partners will not engage in personal activities or public comments that are intended to damage’s business interests or reputation. Business Partners will not offer, promise, give (including facilitation payments), demand or accept bribes or other improper advantage, including excessive gifts and entertainment, in order to obtain, retain or give business. Business Partners must record all business transactions accurately, prudently and transparently, in compliance with applicable accounting standards and recognized best practice.

Compete fairly believes in competing fairly. We expect our Business Partners not to engage in, nor be a party to, agreements, business practices or conduct that are anti-competitive.

Treat other suppliers, partners and customers properly

Business Partners should work in partnership with to meet the expectations of our customers, and to ensure quality, and timeliness. Business Partners should respect and treat in accordance with agreed terms the physical property, IT equipment, communication resources, technology, intellectual property, confidential information, data and any other tangible or intangible assets received from and other suppliers. Business Partners should insist and ensure their agents, suppliers and others working on their behalf act lawfully, and in accordance with the standards set out in this Policies.

Treat co-workers respectfully

Business Partners should recruit, select, and promote their employees solely on the basis of qualifications and skills. In employment related decisions, Business Partners are required to comply with anti-discrimination requirements in the relevant jurisdictions concerning matters of race, gender, age, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, etc. Business Partners must treat all employees with respect and dignity.

Health, safety and security requires Business Partners to remain committed to conducting all activities in a manner that achieves the highest practicable standards of health and safety. Business Partners should protect their employees, physical assets, information and reputation from potential security threats including cyber security threats.

Respect the environment

Business Partners should ensure that, as far as reasonably practicable, any detrimental effects from its activities, products and services upon the environment are minimized.

Respect human rights requires Business Partners to uphold all internationally recognized human rights wherever their operations are located. will not tolerate the use by Business Partners or their supply chains of child or compulsory labor, human trafficking, slavery and any behavior that does not maintain human dignity and respect.

Application and compliance’s Policies of Conduct for Business Partners, or the Business Partner’s own code, should apply throughout any subsidiaries and to all their employees worldwide. These Policies are not intended to replace Business Partners’ existing policies or those of its subsidiary businesses. We expect our Policies, or your own code, to serve as a governing document to which your internal policies must adhere. Business Partners must expect and encourage employees to bring promptly to management’s attention any suspected or actual breaches of their code.

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Update: April 1, 2023

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