Timbr Intelligent Semantic Layer for Business Intelligence

Timbr is the intelligent semantic layer that provides users with unique capabilities that unlock the potential of their data and accelerate their journey to become truly data-driven:

Unlock Semantic Modeling Now!

  • Business modeling to represent and harmonize data.
  • Relationships enabled by the business model.
  • SQL queries up to 90% shorter, simpler, that make use of the business model to eliminate JOINS.
  • Data discovery and agility.
  • Data exploration as a graph to discover hidden relationships in the data.
  • 4-tier cache engine to optimize performance and storage costs.

Timbr decouples the consumption layer from the data sources to deliver distinct benefits:

  • Reusable common metrics and naming conventions across BI tools, scripts, ML models and applications.
  • Update of the underlying data structure without disrupting end-users and tools.
  • Push down of compute from BI to CDW.
  • Avoiding lock-in of data stores and consumption tools.
  • Accelerated cloud migration.
  • Easier to maintain systems.

Contact us to learn how Timbr can empower your BI tool, shorten time to value and enable you to make strategic use of data.

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Model a Timbr SQL Knowledge Graph in just a few minutes and learn how easy it is to explore and query your data with the semantic graph

Model a Timbr SQL Knowledge Graph in just a few minutes and learn how easy it is to explore and query your data with the semantic graph

Graph Exploration

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