What makes Timbr SQL knowledge graph unique?
Timbr virtually transforms databases into semantic SQL knowledge graphs with inference and graph capabilities, so data consumers can deliver fast answers with minimum effort.
Legacy knowledge graph solutions are not designed for the ubiquitous SQL ecosystem and require separate data infrastructure and ETL operations. To query the knowledge graph, users are typically required to learn new languages such as SPARQL and Cypher. To modify the semantic graph model, knowledge of OWL or SHACL is required. Moreover, organizations using any of the popular BI tools need to re-write their queries from SQL to SPARQL in order for them to be compatible with the knowledge graph.
However, with Timbr’s knowledge graph, data analysts, data scientists and all other users can work with a knowledge graph that is SQL native, so there is no need to learn new skills and there is no need to re-write queries from SQL to SPARQL to connect BI tools since they connect via the same connectors that they connect to their existing databases.
Contact us today to turn your databases into reasoning machines and empower your data consumers like never before.
How do you make your data smart?
timbr virtually transforms existing databases into semantic SQL knowledge graphs with inference and graph capabilities, so data consumers can deliver fast answers and unique insights with minimum effort.
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