Holiday Exploration with timbr-DBpedia

Which Films Were Released on Christmas and Went on to Win Oscars?

In the graph exploration results we see 3 concept nodes used: Film, Award and Person. Each one is given a unique color to represent the concept type. 

We see 3 pink nodes each representing a film that was released on Christmas and went on to later win an Oscar. These 3 films are Django Unchained, American Sniper and A Double Life.

Attached to the films in light green are the nodes representing the actors who played in each film, and the purple nodes representing the director of each film.

Connected to both the film nodes and the director nodes in yellow are the award nodes. All 3 of these films went on to win an Oscar Award. Also all 3 film directors – Clint Eastwood, Quentin Tarantino and George Cukor went on to win different personal awards for their work.

Lastly, we see in orange the property nodes indicating the release dates of the films: December 25th. 

Happy holidays!

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